Husky Cherry Red Tomato – A Gardener’s Favorite

The Husky Cherry Red tomato is a sought-after and well-known kind of cherry tomato, which lives up to its name in color and shape. It grows compactly and can easily fit in any container garden or limited area, being a determinate variety.

Highly valued by gardeners and tomato aficionados alike, it’s easy to grow, disease-resistant, and abundant in fruit. Whether you enjoy them raw or in salads and sauces, these sweet, plump, and juicy fruits will bring a delightful flavor to your garden and kitchen.

What Is A Husky Cherry Red Tomato?

The Husky Cherry Red tomato is a distinctive type of tomato plant with small, round, and sweet cherry tomatoes renowned for their glowing red shade.

Due to its bushy growth and small size, it is the ideal choice for container or limited-space gardening.

Additionally, it is a determinate variety, with a pre-determined growth pattern and an uncomplicated cultivation process.

It is a widely appreciated option among gardeners due to its immunity to disease, considerable yield, and flavorful taste. The Cherry tomatoes can be employed for a range of culinary uses, like salads and sauces, or relished as a healthy snack.

Plant Care Tips for Husky Cherry Red Tomato

  • Choose a sunny area of the garden with well-draining soil for planting.
  • Wait until the danger of frost has passed before planting, and space each plant about 2 feet apart for good air circulation.
  • Keep the soil moist but not overly saturated, as tomatoes prefer consistent moisture.
  • Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer for tomatoes about 2 weeks after planting, and continue every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.
  • Minimal pruning is needed for determinate Husky Cherry Red tomatoes. Remove small shoots from the leaf axils to maintain a bushy shape and encourage fruit production.
  • Apply organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, to the base of the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  • Monitor for pests like aphids, whiteflies, and tomato hornworms, and use insecticidal soap or neem oil for control.
  • Avoid overhead watering and provide good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases like early blight and powdery mildew.
  • Harvest the tomatoes when they are fully red, firm, and slightly soft to the touch (about 70-75 days after planting). Twist or cut them off the vine, leaving the calyx attached for a longer shelf life.

By following these care tips, you can enjoy a plentiful harvest of sweet and juicy Husky Cherry Red tomatoes!

husky cherry red tomato


  • Harvesting Husky Cherry Red tomatoes at their optimal state is crucial for the best flavor.
  • At around 65 days, the tomatoes will have fully ripened, weigh about 28 grams, and show signs of color change.
  • Look for a brighter, more vivid red color and the loss of green tinge as indicators of ripeness.
  • While tomatoes are edible upon maturity, leaving them on the vine longer will result in a richer flavor.
  • Wait for Husky Cherry Red tomatoes to reach their full potential before picking the best taste.

How to Store

Once mature, cherry red tomatoes display a deep hue and possess a firmness when gently pressed.

Storage should take place in a cool and sheltered spot or indoors at room temperature – as refrigeration reduces their flavor-rich ingredients when exposed to temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

These tomatoes start with a lively mid-green color, developing into lighter hues with pink or yellow stripes when they become ‘breakers’. These may be cut up into salsas, pickled, or fried in a pan to create an enjoyable snack.

Nonetheless, these fruits exhibit an improved taste once fully ripe, which is worth the wait. Providing proper attention and care to your cherry red tomatoes will guarantee ongoing culinary enjoyment.

Husky Cherry Red Tomato Seeds

  • Husky Cherry Red tomato seeds are typically available for purchase from seed suppliers or nurseries.
  • When selecting seeds, choose reputable sources to ensure quality and reliable germination.
  • Follow the instructions on the seed packet for optimal planting and growing conditions.
  • Start Husky Cherry Red tomato seeds indoors in seed trays or pots, about 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost in your area.
  • Use well-draining soil and provide adequate sunlight, warmth, and moisture for germination.
  • Transplant seedlings into larger pots or directly into the garden once they have developed sturdy stems and leaves.
  • Space the seedlings about 2 feet apart to allow for good air circulation and healthy growth.
  • Provide regular care such as watering, fertilizing, and pruning as needed to promote strong and healthy tomato plants.
  • Consider saving seeds from ripe Husky Cherry Red tomatoes for future planting, following proper seed-saving techniques.
  • Store leftover tomato seeds in a cool, dry place in an airtight container for future use.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully grow Husky Cherry Red tomatoes from seeds and enjoy their delicious fruits!

Husky Cherry Red Tomato Size

  • Husky Cherry Red tomatoes are small-sized, measuring about 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) in diameter.
  • They are classified as cherry tomatoes, known for their sweet flavor and petite size.
  • Husky Cherry Red tomatoes are slightly larger than some other cherry tomato varieties but smaller than regular-sized slicing tomatoes.
  • They are ideal for snacking, salads, garnishes, and preservation due to their concentrated flavor and small size.


How tall do Husky cherry red tomatoes get?

Husky Cherry Red tomatoes typically grow to a height of about 2 to 3 feet.

Are Husky cherry red tomatoes sweet?

Yes, Husky Cherry Red tomatoes are known for their sweet flavor.

What do husky cherry red tomatoes taste like?

Husky Cherry Red tomatoes have a sweet and juicy flavor with a hint of tartness, making them a delicious addition to salads, sauces, or eaten on their own.

Do Husky cherry red tomatoes need a cage?

Yes, it is recommended to provide support to Husky Cherry Red tomato plants using a cage or other appropriate support structure. This helps to keep the plants upright, prevents sprawling, and allows for better air circulation and fruit development.

How big do red huskies get?

Husky Cherry Red tomatoes typically grow to a size of about 1 inch in diameter, which is considered a standard cherry tomato size.

Why is my husky cherry red tomato not turning red?

Possible reasons why Husky Cherry Red tomatoes may not turn red:

  1. Immaturity: They may need more time to fully mature.
  2. Lack of sunlight: Sufficient sunlight is required for proper ripening.
  3. Cool temperatures: Cold weather can slow down the ripening process.
  4. Nutrient deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients may affect ripening.
  5. Disease or pests: Diseases or pests can impact ripening.
  6. Genetic factors: Some varieties naturally take longer to ripen.

Consult a gardening expert for further guidance.


The Husky Cherry Red tomato is a popular choice among gardeners and tomato enthusiasts for its vibrant red color, bushy growth, disease resistance, and delicious flavor.

It is a versatile tomato that can be easily grown in containers or limited spaces, making it suitable for various gardening situations. With proper care, including adequate sunlight, watering, fertilizing, and pest control, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of sweet and juicy cherry tomatoes.

Whether used in salads, or sauces or enjoyed as a healthy snack, the Husky Red tomato is a favorite among gardeners for its outstanding qualities and culinary versatility.

So, consider adding this delightful tomato variety to your garden and kitchen for a truly rewarding gardening experience.

Mr Gardener
Mr Gardener

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