Growing Dianthus from Seed: A Complete Guide

Dianthus, commonly known as “pinks,” is a delightful and colorful addition to any garden. Growing these beautiful flowers from seed can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to witness their entire lifecycle.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of growing dianthus from seed, from collecting seeds to caring for the plants in various conditions.

How to Collect Dianthus Seeds

  • The best time to collect dianthus seeds is after the flowers have bloomed and started to fade.
  • Look for the seed pods at the base of the faded flowers; they should be dry and turning brown.
  • Gently pluck the seed pods and place them in a paper bag to continue drying indoors.
  • Once the seed pods are fully dry, shake the bag to release the tiny dianthus seeds.

Do Dianthus Seeds Need Light to Germinate?

Yes, dianthus seeds require light to germinate successfully.

When sowing the seeds, avoid covering them with soil completely. Instead, lightly press the seeds into the surface of the soil to ensure they receive ample light.

Dianthus flowers in Pots

How to Care for Dianthus in Pots

  1. Choose a well-draining potting mix for dianthus grown in containers to prevent waterlogging.
  2. Select a sunny location for your potted dianthus as they thrive in full sunlight.
  3. Water the dianthus regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  4. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks to encourage healthy growth and abundant blooms.

Dianthus Care in Winter

  • Dianthus is generally hardy, but it’s essential to protect them during harsh winter conditions.
  • If you have dianthus planted in the ground, apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to insulate the roots.
  • For potted dianthus, consider bringing them indoors or placing them in a sheltered area during extreme cold spells.

Do You Cut Back Dianthus in Winter?

  • Yes, pruning dianthus in late winter or early spring is beneficial for their overall health and growth.
  • Cut back any dead or diseased stems to promote new growth.
  • Trim the flower stems after blooming to encourage more flowers throughout the growing season.

How Tall Do Dianthus Grow?

  • The height of dianthus plants can vary depending on the species and variety.
  • Generally, dianthus can grow anywhere from 6 inches to 2 feet tall.
  • Regular deadheading can help control the height and maintain a compact and bushy appearance.


Growing dianthus from seed can be a delightful and gratifying experience for any gardener. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can enjoy a beautiful display of these charming flowers in your garden or containers.

Remember to collect the seeds, provide adequate light for germination, and care for your dianthus during winter to ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms.

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Q1: Can dianthus be grown indoors?

Yes, dianthus can be grown indoors as long as they receive sufficient sunlight and well-draining soil.

Q2: When is the best time to sow dianthus seeds?

The best time to sow dianthus seeds is in early spring after the last frost date in your area.

Q3: How often should I water dianthus plants?

Dianthus plants should be watered regularly, aiming for soil that is consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Q4: Are dianthus plants prone to any diseases?

Dianthus plants are generally hardy, but they can be susceptible to fungal diseases in overly wet conditions. Proper drainage and good air circulation can help prevent such issues.

Q5: Can dianthus be grown alongside other plants?

Yes, dianthus can be a great companion plant for many other flowers and ornamental plants in the garden.

Mr Gardener
Mr Gardener

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